Epilepsy Safety

Being safe while living with epilepsy is very important.

Your safety can be at risk during a seizure, as you may:

  • Fall down to the floor
  • Lose consciousness (black out)
  • Have muscle movements that you can’t control

These events can put you at risk for injuries and accidents, particularly:

  • Drowning
  • Burns
  • Poisoning
  • Adverse effects of medication
  • Traumatic brain injury
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Non-Seizure-Related Risks

Some situations carry extra risk for someone with epilepsy, such as:

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Source of heat
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Equipment and power tools

Planning for Safety

You need to plan for your own safety in case a seizure happens. Think about safety at home, safety in the workplace, and how people around you can help you stay safe. Here are some things you can do no matter where you are:

  • Wear a medical ID bracelet that says you have epilepsy
  • If you have an aura or any kind of warning before you have a seizure, let someone near you know and move to a safe place
  • Carry a cell phone so you can contact family or friends

Prepare yourself and others with this Seizure Action Plan

Epilepsy & COVID-19

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that:

  • Is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus
  • Can spread through the air when an infected person sneezes, coughs, breathes, or speaks
  • Can cause some people to become severely ill or die, although most people don't get very sick. Older people and people with underlying medical conditions are more likely to develop serious illness or die

Older adults and some people with medical conditions who get COVID-19 have a greater risk of severe illness or death.

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Most people living with epilepsy are not at a greater risk of getting COVID-19.

  • Having epilepsy does not usually make COVID-19 worse
  • Some people with epilepsy have other conditions that increase the risk of severe COVID-19
  • In most cases, having COVID-19 does not make a person’s epilepsy worse

Talk with your epilepsy doctor about your personal risks of COVID-19.

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Managing the risks of COVID-19

People living with epilepsy who have other medical problems could be at higher risk of severe COVID-19 compared to those with epilepsy who don’t have other medical problems. Talk with your epilepsy doctor if you have these problems:

  • Problems swallowing
  • Inhaling food or liquids
  • Diabetes
  • Heart problems
  • Lung problems
  • Other conditions or developmental issues that affect immunity

COVID-19 Vaccine & Epilepsy

Talk to your epilepsy doctor or pharmacist about your personal risks and benefits of getting the vaccine.

  • COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective
  • Some people get side effects such as fever or tiredness after being vaccinated. Side effects usually go away in a few days
  • There is no evidence that people living with epilepsy have worse side effects than other people or that vaccination makes epilepsy worse or causes brain injury
  • People with epilepsy who have seizures triggered by fever should take extra care after being vaccinated

Need help finding local resources for COVID-19 concerns, mental health, and healthcare expenses?