Seeing an Epilepsy Specialist (Epileptologist) Can Be Really Helpful

You may want to consider seeing an epilepsy specialist for your epilepsy, especially if your epilepsy is not well controlled, or your epilepsy medication is not reducing your seizures.

Seeing an epilepsy specialist is an important step in putting together your care team. An epilepsy specialist will be able to give you the most advanced treatment, and their experience in epilepsy could mean they might be able to control your seizures and get you on the right care path.

If you have an appointment with an epilepsy specialist, try to prepare beforehand so you can get the most out of the meeting:

  • Keep a diary of all your seizures, triggers, and medication — this seizure tracking app will make it easy
  • Make sure you have all your medical records before you go
  • Bring any video recordings of your seizures
  • Bring a family member or friend to help you take notes
  • Prepare any questions you have before you go
  • Ask if you can record the conversation (and make sure your cell phone is charged)

Locate an Epilepsy Center

Specialists may be hard to come by, especially if you are in a less populated area of the US. Use this find an epilepsy center tool to locate a specialist nearest you.